SUNDAY, OCT. 4 2009
Today is my first day of the 6 Week Body Makeover challenge.
I have tried it before, but it only lasted a few days. This time I'm determined to stick with it. The problem is not that if it works or not, it certainly does for sure, but its a hard diet to stick to. But i'm going to do it!
Day 1. Measurements!
Chin/Head: 26.25
Chest: 41.5
Upper Left Arm: 14.0
Lower left Arm: 10.5
Upper RightArm: 15.0
Lower Right Arm: 11.0
Bust: 45.0
Waist: 39.5
Torso (right below belly butto): 48.5
Hips (right above butt, below "tire"): 46.25
Butt: 46.50
Upper Left Thigh: 28.50
Mid Left Thigh: 24.50
Above Left Knee: 19.0
Left Calf: 16.0
Upper Right Thigh:29.0
Mid Right Thigh: 25.0
Above Right Knee: 19.0
Right Calf: 15.50
Total: 496
weight: 206.4
They say that you should loose 30 pounds in 6 weeks.
1st Goal: 175 pounds by November 15th!
I think the hardest part of this diet is the fact that it's very restrictive. No salt, no diary, no oils. It's hard to cook. Sometimes it doesn't seem like theres enough variety.
I'm going to try to stick with it as much as possible, though, especially in the beginning. I think eventually I might change one of the meals to a healthy more regular food version. like a lean cuisine for dinner or something. But that's in the future.
Breakfast today was at 12:30 pm
Snack will be at 3 pm
Lunch will be at 5-6
Snack will be at 8-9
Dinner will be at 10-11
I don't think I am going to the gym today to walk, but I will start with my 18 minute body sculpting plan today.
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